Classes are like the blueprint from which individual objects are created.
- Class variables
- Class methods
- Private Methods
Class Variables
- Class variables are used to store values related to a class in general rather than a particular instance.
- Class Variables have a class-scope.
- Class variables are typically used to store information regarding the class as a whole.
- A class variable looks like this “@@variable_name”.
- We can access our class variables anywhere in our class: in both class and instance methods.
- A class variable can be used to store a collection of instances of that class.
Class Methods
- Class methods are similarly used for implementing behavior that is related to a class in general rather than an instance.
- Class methods have a class-scope.
- Class methods enact behaviors that belong to the whole class.
A class method is defined like this:
def self.class_method_name
# some code
Class Constants
It's defined using all capital letters, like so:
class User
ROLES = ["Admin", "Moderator", "Contributor"]
The key distinction is that class constants are used to store data that doesn't change (is constant), while class variables are used to store data that does change. Scope-wise, class constants can also be accessed from outside of the class using this syntax:
Public, Private & Protected Methods
- Public methods are called by an explicit receiver.
- Private methods can only be called within the context of the defining class: the receiver of a private method is always “self”.
- Private methods are a way of encapsulating functionality within a class.
- Private methods also signal to other developers that this method is depended on by other methods in your program.
- Private methods are usually written with the word “private“ above them.
- Private methods restrict an outsider from calling methods that belong to an object.
Custom Errors
To build a custom error, we define an error class that inherits from the Exception class.
class PartnerError < StandardError
The raise keyword tells our program to raise our brand new PartnerError. The rescue allows our program to continue running.
raise YourCustomError
rescue YourCustomError
“begin/rescue” syntax is used as another form of control flow to handle exceptions.
Object inheritance
- In Ruby, classes can inherit from one another. This means that they adopt all of the attributes and behaviors (i.e. all of the methods) of the parent, also called the super class.
- The use of inheritance allows us to create a family of classes with shared behavior, while still differentiating those classes.
- Inheritance provides an opportunity to reuse the code functionality and fast implementation time.
Steps for Inheritance
- Define the super class.
- Define the subclass
- Method overriding..(overwriting inherited methods)
# define a class
class Box
# constructor method
def initialize(w,h)
@width, @height = w, h
# instance method
def getArea
@width * @height
# define a subclass
class BigBox < Box
# add a new instance method
def printArea
@area = @width * @height
puts "Big box area is : #@area"
# create an object
box =, 20)
# print the area
A module is a collection of methods,constants and class variables. Modules are defined as a class but with the module keyword not with class keyword.
Important Points About Module
- You cannot inherit modules or you can’t create a subclass of a module
- Objects cannot be created from a module
- Modules are used as namespaces and as mixins
- All the classes are modules, but all the modules are not classes
- The class can use namespaces, but they cannot use mixins like modules
- The name of a module must start with a capital letter
module Module_name
# statements to be executed
- What if there is a method in the parent class that we want our child to share some of the functionality of?
- Or what if we want our child class to inherit a method from the parent and then augment it in some way?
- We can achieve this with the use of the super keyword.
Metaprogramming gives Ruby the ability to open and modify classes, create methods and much more. Metaprogramming allows us to build a class with dynamic attributes.
- Use of Keyword arguments makes our Ruby methods more flexible by allowing arguments to be passed in any order.
- Helps in writing DRYer, lighter, more intuitive and more scalable codes.
- We can dynamically add getters and setters methods
- We can make classes more flexible by adding any number of attributes based on our needs at the time without editing.
Position Argument Keyword Argument Send Method Mass Assignment
### send()
The send method “send” a message to an object instance and it’s ancestors in class hierarchy until the method “reacts”, because the name matches the first argument. It dynamically calls on a method. It is used to assign attributes dynamically. This saves a lot of typing.