Ruby Fundamentals: Hashes

Ruby Fundamentals: Hashes

Hashes are basically like JavaScript objects. They are composed of key/value pairs and each key points to a specific value. For example;

a_hash = { name: "John", age: "20" }
# => "20"

To access data from the hash above, bracket notation is used and the symbol for the key being accessed is passed in. It can also be used to assign a new value to a key:

a_hash[:age] = 25
# => {:name=>"John", :age=>25}


Enumerable is a method that "enumerates" (goes one by one) over every element of a collection. Enumerables include:

  • Map
  • Times
  • Each
  • Collect
  • Find
  • Sum

Common Hash Methods

While bracket notation is used to access values in a hash, they can also be deleted using the delete method by passing in a key:

snacks = { crisps: true, flavor1: "salted", flavor2: "barbecue" }
# => {:crisps=>true, :flavor1=>"salted"}

It also has methods of accessing an array of the keys and an array of the values:

# => [:crisps, :flavor1]
# => [true, "salted"]

It uses the empty method to check if there are no key-value pairs defined on the hash:

# => false
# => true

It uses the merge method to join together multiple hashes:

more_flavors = { flavor2: "barbecue", flavor3: "salt and vinegar" }


# => {:crisps=>true, :flavor1=>"salted", :flavor2=>"barbecue", :flavor3=>"salt and vinegar"}

Enumerables:Common Methods

Include :

  • each
  • map/collect
  • filter/ #select/#find_all
  • find / #detect
  • sort


Used To access each element of the array, but not interested in returning a new array Has the same functionality as foreach which is used in JS

new_array = ["this", "is", "Ruby"].each do |str|
  puts str.upcase


Uses To access every element of an array, calculates the new value and returns the new values with the same length as the original array.

[1, 2, 3].map { |num| num * 2 }
# => [2, 4, 6]

users = [{ name: "Duane", phone: "555-555-5555"}, { name: "Liza", phone: "555-555-5556" }] do |user|
  "Name: #{user[:name]} | Phone: #{user[:phone]}"
# => ["Name: Duane | Phone: 555-555-5555", "Name: Liza | Phone: 555-555-5556"]

[1, 2, 3].collect { |num| num * 2 }
# => [2, 4, 6]


Uses To access every element of an array,check is it matches some condition, then returns a new array of all values that match Alias #select , #find_all

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].filter { |num| num.even? }
# => [2, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].filter { |num| num.odd? }
=> [1, 3, 5]


Uses Returns a new array where all elements have been sorted based on the criteria.

nums = [1, 5, 3]
sorted_nums = nums.sort
# => [1, 3, 5]


Uses To access every element of an array, checks if it matches some criteria, then returns the first element that matches .

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].find { |num| num.even? }
# => 2